Friday, December 27, 2019

Culture Shock By Catherine Lombard, Jonathan Rempel, And...

Just moved to another country? Are their customs, traditions, and values unfamiliar to you? Constantly feeling tired, depressed, and lonely? Experiencing crucial migraines or always feeling sleepy? Well, you may be suffering from culture shock. When speaking of â€Å"culture shock† one immediately defines it as moving or visiting a foreign country of sorts that is unfamiliar to the individual. However, although that may be true there are other forms of culture shock such as changing jobs, moving to a new home, or even purchasing new items for oneself. I have visited India multiple times at different points in my life to see family and friends, and for each time I have visited I noticed a different effect culture shock takes a toll on me physically and psychologically. To help me unveil methods to manage and prevent occurrences of culture shock I will be using an assortment of articles. Specifically, I will be citing scholarly articles written by Catherine Lombard, Jonathan Rem pel, and Junzi Xia. Along with the use of our textbook Understanding Intercultural Communications written by Stella Ting-Toomey and Leeva Chung. A way to interpret culture shock is to envision it similarly to a disease. It has different stages and effects on every individual, it is hard to isolate, and many don’t feel the pain or discomfort until some time has passed. Everyone experiences culture shock in some shape or form, some with heavier impacts than others; however, there are various exercises for

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Poverty Of The Hunger Rebellion - 1671 Words

The Hunger Rebellion â€Å"The United States ranks near the bottom of the pack of wealthy nations on a measure of child poverty, according to a new report from UNICEF. Nearly one third of U.S. children live in households with an income below 60 percent of the national median income in 2008 - about $31,000 annually. In the richest nation in the world, one in three kids live in poverty.† according to Cristopher Ingraham, a political writer who previously worked at the Brookings Institution and the Pew Research Center. Child poverty is becoming progressively a serious issue in the society, principally when correlating it with being one of—If not—the wealthiest countries in the world. The effect of it is not minimal nor limited to the children in poverty, it is implementing the future education, health, and faith of the country. So by deciphering the problem, the lives saving would be beyond limits. The non-profit organization Children’s Hunger Fund is acting to reduce and hope to eventually eliminate child poverty by offering the combination of physical and spiritual support believing they are essential base to explore knowledge, and without them our bodies and souls are ill, confused and lost. Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) is a religious based organization that aims to deliver hope by feeding poor hungry children in America and around the world and by equipping local churches for gospel-centered mercy ministry. It was established in 1991 by president and founder Dave PhilipsShow MoreRelatedSouth Afric A Global Issue1490 Words   |  6 Pagesthe way to number four on the â€Å"Top Ten Poorest Countries in the World† list (Poorest). World hunger is a global issue, but is most prominent in parts of Africa and Asia; Liberia being one of the many places (Person). A number of things can cause hunger, but some of the most common reasons are the lack of money, the lack of resources, and the incapability of trading goods. Though the causes of world hunger in Liberia are economical, the effects are mostly social. All countries have one goal: theirRead MoreThe Hunger Games The Capitol851 Words   |  4 PagesIn The Hunger Games the Capitol is a place of vast wealth while the districts especially the districts of eleven and twelve are living in poverty. This wealth that the Capitol has it a type of social control because it keeps the districts from being able to gain the ability to fight back against the Capitol due to their poverty status. The poverty in the districts is so bad that Katniss Everdeen from District Twelve requires that she break a law of the Capitol’s, which is not leaving the fenced areaRead MoreEssay about The Hanger Games by Suzanne Collins983 Words   |  4 Pagesto badly effect or for a bad purpose . Suzanne Collins exemplifies power and abuse in various ways throughout her novel, ‘The Hunger Games’. This intense novel is set in a time period after a rebellion in North America left the country destroyed, divided into 12 districts and being controlled by the Capitol. Katniss Everdeen is the main protagonist and is from the poverty stricken district 12, completely opposite from the Capitol which is the place that is rich in wealth and power over the 12 districtsRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins1230 Words   |  5 PagesThe Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins in a classic example of a dystopian Text as it is a futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through a bureaucratic, technological, or totalitarian control. Throughout the book their are many forms of powers from wealth, gender, the Capitol, and Peeta Mellark. The totalitarian government run by the capitol is clearly one of the most obvious and dangerous form of power in The HungerRead MoreThe Girl On Fire By Suzanne Collins1497 Words   |  6 Pageswhere a myth that gender inequality is a misconceived idea of the past, still continues. Recently, this newfound sense of girl activism has been distinguished throughout pop culture including movies, songs, and books. Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games trilogy, created a fictional, yet extraordinary girl activist named Katniss Everdeen, who since the first novel was published in 2008, has inspired millions of young girls around the world to embrace their inner â€Å"mockingjay† and justify revolutionRead MoreThe Taiping Rebellion And The French Revolution1685 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout history, rebellions and revolutions shaped societies and created better conditions for the people of those societies. The Taiping Rebellion and the French Revolution successfully shaped the ir societies by means of political and social reforms. They were both influenced to later achieve their unique successes because of a multitude of pushing factors, such as the existing social and political conditions of China and France. Natural disasters, breaking away from tradition, and China sRead MoreSociology of Hunger Games1719 Words   |  7 PagesSociology of â€Å"Hunger Games† By. Tom ************ Soc 101 11/17/13 Introduction The nation of Panem has risen out of the ravaged ruins of what was once known as North America. 74 years ago, the poverty-stricken districts of Panem rebelled against the wealthy, controlling the Capitol. After its crushing victory, the Capitol devised the Hunger Games as an annual reminder to the twelve districts of its authority, and as continuing punishment for the rebellion. Every yearRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins1013 Words   |  5 PagesIn the â€Å"Hunger Games†, citizens in thirteen districts are subordinates to the citizens of the capital. These subordinates were forced to work for the capital and were given no mercy — there were public beatings for crimes and even their kids were killed on a comical television show for the capital citizens. These ideas, which Suzanne Collins used in her book, can be traced to our own past. Similar to the forced labor and abuse the Capital imposed on the district members in the â€Å"Hunger Games†,Read MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins1712 Words   |  7 PagesDang Truong Mrs. Carter World Literature November 12, 2016 The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: Survival The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a novel about a teenage girl, Katniss, struggling to survive in the life oppressed by the government. Living with the injustice of the Capitol, Katniss soon develops her own hatred toward the Capitol; by using what she have and striving for the best against it, Katniss is able to hold the odds in her favor. Katniss volunteering in Prim s place in the arenaRead MoreThe Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Essay631 Words   |  3 PagesThe Hunger Games novel written by Suzanne Collins reflects significant issues in the reality world nowadays which relate to the humanity, the poverty, the violence,†¦ It describes the issues through the characters and what happens in the story, and the most significant issue occurs throughout the novel is the gap between rich and poor people. In the beginning of the novel, Suzanne Collins describes clearly the scene of the poverty, the terrible fear of the 12-district’s villagers, in contrast to the

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Nature Vs Nurture Environment Example For Students

Nature Vs Nurture : Environment Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. – John B. Watson. Generally, using the terms nature and nurture as a suitable catch-phrase for the roles of genetics and environment in human and animal development dates way back to 13th century France. Some scientists feel that people act according to genetic inclinations or animal instincts. This is the nature theory of human behavior. Other scientists suggest that people reason and act in certain ways because they are taught to do so. This is the nurture theory of human behavior. The increasing understanding of the human genome has made it clear that both parties of the controversy have merit. Nature gives us inborn abilities and traits and it takes these genetic propensities and molds them as we learn and develop . The nature vs environment† argument is still on, as scientists debate over how much of who we are is shaped by genes and how much by the environment. Nature The human genome has been proven to determine the different traits that we have, majorly on the physical characters like eye color, hair color, ear size, height, and other traits. However, we are not certain about whether our abstruse characteristics like intelligence, personality, preferences, sexual orientation are gene-coded in our DNA, too. Also, the behavioral genes are somehow proven to exist when you observe fraternal twins. When fraternal twins grow up in different environments, they may respond and behave to certain situations as though they were reared together. Nurture The nurture theory insists thatalthough genes and heredity may influence abstract traits, environmental factors make the major contribution to human and animal behavior. This includes the use of conditioning in order to induce a new behavior to a child, or alter an unlikely behavior being shown by the child. John Watson, one of the leaders of the Nurture campaign, once said that he can be able to train a baby randomly chosen in a group of 12 infants, to become any type of specialist he wants. He stated that he could train him to be such regardless of the child s potentialities, talents and race. Even though fraternal twins raised apart often have remarkable similarities, still the differences in environmental influences may lead to several variations in the way they behave. We are still left in our dilemma: Are we born this way, or do we act in accordance to our life experiences? The nature vs environment controversy goes on and on, and although it is a fact that we have traits that are predetermined by our genes, we can still choose who we want to be as we travel through our lifetime. THE CONTROVERSY Over time, psychologists have tried to observe the relative amount contributed by genetics or environmental factors to diverse human behaviors. The frequently asked question is whether human and animal behavior is determined by the person’s genetic inheritance or is the behavior determined by upbringing . The concern in this question resulted to what is called the Nature Nurture Controversy. Many researchers took extreme positions in this issue, while some researchers exercised on exclusive roles or genetic hereditary, others took the opposite extreme by denying biological contribution and emphasizing learning and experience . John Locke . He posits that new born children are like ‘’tabular rasa’’ or ‘’blank slate’’ which is an example of a white board or black board, and anything written on this board can only be attributed to learning and experience. According to this view, nature contributes nothing to human behavior apart from providing a life body. Although this position was later disproved, the idea had enormous effect in philosophy, politics, and psychology. The opposite side of this debate holds that humans are born with complete genetic instructions that determine their response to every situation. One of the strongest argument in support of this position was Wilhelm Von Heibnits. His main argument on position is that we are the way we are born, which he based it on the belief that genes and hereditary must contribute to human behavior, this position is invalid because there is no particular or one gene responsible for behavior. Although genes act at a molecular level in the development and maintenance of the structures that has consequences of behavior, the inheritance of behavioral traits follow a multi-factorial pattern which involves actions of many genes and interactions between heredity and environment. In modern times, researchers have demonstrated that both hereditary and environment play a role in behavior through their interactions. Human behavior is therefore a result of the complex interactions between hereditary and environmental factors. Hinduism And Forgiveness EssayImprinting provides an opportunity to learn key variable components in an environment while retaining largely innate behavioral patterns. More flexibility may be shown in the development of food preferences, as food availability can vary from habitat to habitat, or from season to season. Insects may imprint on the chemistry of the leaves they eat as caterpillars; when they become adults they then choose to lay their eggs on plants with a chemistry that matches the leaves they ate when young. This insures a suitable diet for the next generation. Young birds and mammals often learn food preferences based on food shared by adults, on observations of feeding preferences of adults, and on sampling possible food items. Another form of learning involves aversions, which can develop at any point in any animal’s life. Birds and mammals develop lifelong aversions to specific foods that contain poisons that cause sickness (such as monarch butterflies). In contrast, some preferences and aversions appear to be innate, or at least to be driven by physiological needs for certain nutrients, such as salt. Genes and Environment in Human Behavior: Sociocultural Influences. Quite often humans worry that their behavior might be completely controlled by their genetic make up, meaning that one might be involuntarily compelled into poor parenting, violent behavior, or drug addiction. Most human cultures also has strong beliefs in self-determination and free will, as well as the ability of humans to be able to differenciate the right from the wrong and to make choices about the appropriateness of their actions. Heated arguments among biologists, philosophers, and ethicists over the relative roles of genes and behavior in human behavior have brought no simple resolution. The and will continue to fuel controversy, even as more is discovered about the genetic and evolutionary bases of behavior. TWIN STUDIES AND ADOPTION STUDIES One way to determine the contribution of genes and environment to a trait is to study twins. In one kind of study, identical twins reared apart are compared to randomly selected pairs of people. The twins share identical genes, but different family environments. In another kind of twin study, identical twins reared together (who share family environment and genes) are compared to fraternal twins reared together (who also share family environment but only share half their genes). Another condition that permits the disassociation of genes and environment is adoption. In one kind of adoption study, biological siblings reared together (who share the same family environment and half their genes) are compared to adoptive siblings (who share their family environment but none of their genes). The nature side of this debate emphasizes how much of an organism reflected are s biological factors. But, on the other hand genes are activated at appropriate times during development an the basis for protein production. Proteins include a wide range of molecules, such as hormones and enzymes that act in the body as signaling and structural molecules to direct development. CONCLUSION Although they may seem alternate and antagonistic in constitution, nature and nuture,work hand in hand in defining human and animal behavior. Many aspects of human behavior, which can not be explained by genetic and behavioural analysis of parents can be explained by evaluating the influences of the individuals social and physical environment. REFFERENCES The Dependent Gene, The fallacy of â€Å"Nature vs Nurture†-Sir Francis Golton-Google Baeken. Retrieved 2013 -12-23. Dusheck, Jennie:, The Interpretation Of Genes.Natural History, October 2002. Ridley,M: Nature via Nuture. Genes, Experience and What makes us Human . Edge, org.: Nature Versus Nurture , accesed,0125 2014. Planin,R, Fulker ,: DW ,Corely ,R , De Fries J.C (1997) .Nature Nurture and Cognitive Develpement from 1 to 16 years .A Parent Offspring Adoption Study Psychological Science Moore, D.S.(2003)The dependent gene. The Fallacy of nature vs. nurture .New York, NY :

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jurassic Park Essays (514 words) - Jurassic Park,

Jurassic Park Jurassic Park takes place on an Island off the Coast of Costa Rica which is owned by a multimillionaire, John Hammond. On this island he has set up a genetical engineering facility which permits him and his scientist to create dinosaur from blood extracted from prehistoric mosquitos, that have been preserved in amber. Before he opens this living attraction to the public he needs specialist to approve the park. He brings them to the island and begins to show them what he has accomplished. While they are touring the island one of the computer programmers, Dennis Nedry, is secretly planning to steal dinosaur embryos from the park and sell them to a company that is trying to compete with Hammond. The only way Nedry can obtain these embryos is to immobilize the park by interrupting the parks normal function, so that he could sneak in and steal the embryos. This all takes place while the visitors are out in the park touring, and in the mist of a terrible storm. After Nedry has executed a virus in order to steal the embryos the storm hits, and the park power goes out. As the power goes out the visitors to the island are stuck in the middle of nowhere, with an escaped T-Rex. Everyone flees and is scattered through the park. The animals begin attacking the control building, while they are search for food. Since all the power is out there is no way to stop them, or containing them. In the hysteria a scientist , Wu, discovers that the dinosaurs have been mating, which they thought wasn't possible, because they were only cloning females, but the dinosaurs have adapted and have found a way to reproduce. They think they got the power back on so they try to put all the animals back in their holding areas. Little did they know that the whole time the park was running on auxiliary power, and once this power ran out they could not restore the main power. When all the power finally ran out the animals began attacking at full force now. Their only alternative to get the power restored is to have someone manually turn on another auxiliary power generator so they could get the main power running again. The visitors and the staff of Jurassic Park escape but with two casualties. They escape by having a helicopter pick them up. After the pick up the Costa Rican government bomb the island in order to destroy it. According to the book genetic cloning can be accomplished by obtaining just a small amount of blood. May this type of cloning be possible in real life only time will tell, and the advancements in technology it should be a thing of the future. The fact that this type of thing might be done, is slim only because of dangers of disturbing the natural flow of things. In the book the greatest marvel they discovered turned around and caused them great disaster. If man kind does try to bring back the dinosaurs will the same happen? Bibliography the book